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Accepting HSA and FSA Funds as a Doula

Two women talk while one points at a piece of paper.

Learn a bit about healthcare savings accounts (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSA) and how your doula clients can pay you for your doula services.

How to Set Your Price as a Doula

A woman sits at a desk with a bunch of papers spread out.

Discover strategies to price your doula services effectively. Learn about flat rate packages, hourly rates, and factors that influence doula fees. Find out how to set your prices to reflect your worth and support your business goals.

Maximizing Your Impact at Baby and Birth Fairs

A doula table with brochures at a baby fair.

Learn how to make the most of baby and birth fairs with practical tips on preparation, engagement, and follow-ups. Enhance your doula practice by effectively networking and understanding birthing trends.

Navigating Lactation While Working as a Doula

A woman hooked up to a doula breast pump.

Discover practical tips and strategies for managing lactation while working as a doula from doulas who have been there. Learn how to balance personal needs with professional responsibilities, ensuring both you and your clients thrive.